Mihai Barabancea: Cyborg Dolphine Tears – photo exhibition, book launch

Available: 2025.02.15.-02.22.Location: ISBN+ 1085 BUDAPEST, BAROSS U. 42.Opened by: Herczeg MárkMusic at the opening: Lacika, Soós, KenézCurator: Urbán Szonja On 15 February at 19:00, a week-long exhibition of selected photographs from Cyborg Dolphin Tears will open at ISBN+, where the … Continue reading >Mihai Barabancea: Cyborg Dolphine Tears – photo exhibition, book launch

Asztrid Csatlós – I shall now count from one to ten. I say one…

The exhibition focuses on the transit (trace) lines of the endless dirt roads connecting Szeged and its surrounding, which incessantly assimilate parallel experiences, strategies of escape and coping, narrativity. Astrid Csatlós processes her own experiences, her anxiety-inducing thoughts, by walking … Continue reading >Asztrid Csatlós – I shall now count from one to ten. I say one…