The New Dictionary of Old Ideas

Title: The New Dictionary of Old Ideas
Published by: Meetfactory, Praha
Release Date: 2020
Contributors: Lucia KVOCÁKOVÁ, Piotr SIKORA
Pages: 200
ISBN13: 978-80-906994-3-4

4900 HUF


The New Dictionary of Old Ideas project widely explores the phenomenon of Central Europe by examining its urgent political topics, history, geography, and visual culture. Among a number of notions, the project refers to Identity Paradox and the definitional challenge of Central Europe, asking if it is “a fact, a utopia, a concept of thought, or just a chimera?”

The exhibition, which presents itself under the same title, takes the above-mentioned worry as a starting point. Its extended scope brings together artists based in the Czech Republic, Georgia, Poland, and Spain. In the exhibition, ever-changing ideas about Central Europe are considered not only subject to a physical location, but also influenced by socio-political, economic, and cultural factors. For this reason, defining Central Europe usually generates disagreements, creating dichotomous divisions such as center and periphery, giving more privileges and attention to some countries over others, and often creating further detachments.

Each artwork explores particular topics and opens possibilities to understand new meanings, which may also emerge when the connections between them are drawn. The exhibition creates a space with a complex web of definitions, providing a new dictionary, allowing itself to always update.