Published by: Valiz, Amsterdam
Release Date: 2021
Contributors: Helen WESTGEEST, Kitty ZIJLMANS
Genre: theory / elmélet
Pages: 432
ISBN13: 978-94-93246-05-8
12600 HUF
Mix & Stir presents new outlooks on contemporary art from global perspectives, in the challenging format of a cookery book. It intends to encourage studying art beyond national constraints, cultural dominances, and hierarchies: a voyage similar to that of culinary discovery. The book brings a variety of tastes and flavours to the table, and breaks new ground by allowing innovative, contrary, queer, idiosyncratic practices and discourses, theories and topics, methods, and concerns to access art in its global dimensions.
Researchers, curators and artists with a special interest in this topical issue were invited to present, develop, outline, and contemplate compelling frames of reference, both theoretical and artistic, in order to arrive at a true ‘world art studies’. Their contributions are structured in seven thematic fields: Spectatorship, Collectives, Circulations, Exhibitions, Artists at Work, Postcolonial Perspectives, and Deep Art History.
The reader is invited to explore the vast supply of dishes, to taste and test the aromas and to feast.
Illustrated with various black and white images
PLURAL Mix & Stir is the fourth title published within the Valiz PLURAL series. PLURALThis series focuses on how the intersections between identity, power, representation and emancipation play out in the arts and in cultural practices. The volumes in this series aim to do justice to the plurality of voices, experiences and perspectives in society and in arts and design. The volumes address historical, present and future meanings of these positions and their interrelations, layering and diversity. PLURAL brings together new and critical insights from cultural and social researchers, theorists, artists, arts professionals and activists. Other PLURAL titles are: Design Struggles (2021, Claudia Mareis, Nina Paim, ed.), Shame! and Masculinity (2020, Ernst van Alphen, ed.) and Feminist Art Activisms and Artivisms (2020, Katy Deepwell, ed.).