Published by: edition fink,Fucking Good Art
Release Date: 2016
Contributors: Jan VERWOERT
Genre: theory / elmélet
Pages: 191
ISBN13: 978-3-03746-201-0
3120 HUF - temporarily unavailable
As a follow-up and (later) conclusion of the exhibition series “New Existentialism” in the framework of the KURATOR grant 2010–2012 of the Gebert Foundation for Culture in Rapperswil-Jona, Alexandra Blättler invited the Dutch artists Rob Hamelijnck and Nienke Terpsma to produce a special issue of the magazine “Fucking Good Art”. Their research on existentialism has resulted in a reading book that takes us back to the beginnings of the movement in conversations with the philosopher and writer Ger Groot and the artist and author Alana Jelinek, as well as an essay by the musician, critic and author Jan Verwoert, and asks what existentialism means for us and for art today.
“Fucking Good Art” is a travelling magazine published in occasional series by the artists Nienke Terpsma and Rob Hamelijnck. Since 2003, 35 issues have appeared in various contexts. While single-sheet newspapers are distributed to exhibitions and art institutions and offered free of charge, special issues with a focus on specific topics are produced in cooperation with participating publishers.