Published by: C3, Center for Culture & Communication - Intermedia Department, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest
Release Date: 2018
Contributors: ZICS Brigitta, PETERNÁK Miklós, LEPSÉNYI Imre
Genre: theory / elmélet
Pages: 252
ISBN13: 978-963-88792-2-6
4490 HUF - temporarily unavailable
The Transparent Act book presents an artist’s intimate encounter of art by philosophising her practice whilst within the creative process. It explores the radical shift that technology has brought to the role of spectatorship and proposes how through the lens of human cognition we may achieve a better understanding of interactivity within art. The notion of Transparent Act synopsises multidisciplinary accounts and offers an experience-centred contribution to human-computer relationships and their aesthetics. Unlike retrospective accounts of art this book resonates the recent emerging practices of art as research and provides an inside-out viewpoint. This book is intended for practising artists as well for theorists and curators to gain new perspectives on how interactive art may be practised, presented, critiqued and engaged with. It includes a number of illustrations of presented concepts developed by the author in collaboration with designer Imre Lepsényi.