Published by: Punch, Bucharest
Release Date: 2016
Contributors: Alina POPA, Florin FLUERAS
Genre: theory / elmélet
Pages: 368
ISBN13: 978-60-694300-0-2
5700 HUF - temporarily unavailable
Black Hyperbox was initiated in 2015 by Alina Popa and Florin Flueraş as a frame for performance and text based on the alienation between practice and conceptualization. Meanwhile, individual artworks, mostly performances, emerged from its process. They are circulating sometimes independently, sometimes together. Now Black Hyperbox is also a book, the outcome of the discursive section of the project. Its contributing authors were immersed in Black Hyperbox or gravitating around it, at least conceptually. In the book, Black Hyperbox comes forth as a place that holds incompatible conceptual zones and spatiotemporalities together: Old World and New World, theater and jungle, jaguars and AI, prehistory and futurism, the earthly home and the alien space, Mecca and the North Pole, spaceships lost in cosmos and the politics of Isis, Malevich’s black square and the moon travel, thought and hallucination.