Published by: Lugemik, Tallin
Release Date: 2019
Contributors: Mari LAANEMETS
Genre: theory / elmélet
Pages: 232
ISBN13: 978-9949-7234-7-8
9990 HUF
Central to Abstraction as an Open Experiment is an interest in the implementation and interpretation of abstractionism, which starting from the 1960s, attempted to rethink the relationships between modernist art, the individual and (mass) society. Accordingly, the focus of this publication is on artworks that are fundamentally open and inclusive. By using very different media, these works can become the basis for generalisations concerning the relationship between people and things as well as wider processes in society.
The idea for the book stems from a fascination with Sirje Runge’s drawings and paintings from the mid-1970s, in which she experimented with simple geometric forms and the abundant potential of colour. Today, when interest in the experimental aspect of formal aesthetics is once again widespread among art circles, Runge’s drawings, paintings and design projects not only become topical but also take their place in publication, her pieces will enter into a dialogue with works by Zofia Kulik, Dóra Maurer and Falke Pisano.